Posted by the Conservative Treehouse today
Kaliningrad is an enclave of Russia on the Baltic Sea, with a population of around 450,000 Russians. Kaliningrad is surrounded by NATO countries Lithuania to the north and Poland to the south.

Land access for Russia to Kaliningrad is a matter of treaties between Russia and Lithuania providing transit to the Russian enclave through Suwalski gap where railroads connect Kaliningrad to Belarus.
In an intentionally provocative move, the NATO alliance has now decided to use Lithuania to cut off access to Kaliningrad by land. The NATO alliance is saying this is part of their execution of economic sanctions against Russia by stopping the transport of goods and products through the Suwalski gap.
The blockade began today, and the Russian government is evaluating how to respond to this aggressive effort against Kaliningrad.
This action is being taken as the same time as EU NATO countries are threatening to rush NATO membership for Ukraine into place. There is no other way to look at this decision by NATO member states as anything except a deliberate effort to increase the likelihood of war between Russia and the western alliance.
(Via Daily Mail) – The Kremlin has threatened Lithuania after EU-sanctioned goods were blocked from reaching the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, fuelling fears of NATO being dragged into the war.
Moscow warned of ‘very tough actions’ against the Western security alliance member after deliveries of coal, metals, construction materials and advanced technology were stopped from entering the Russian territory. The Lithuanian chargé d’affaires in Moscow was told that unless cargo transit was resumed in the near future, Russia reserves the right to act to protect its national interests.
The Russian foreign ministry said: ‘We consider provocative measures of the Lithuanian side which violate Lithuania’s international legal obligations, primarily the 2002 Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the European Union on transit between the Kaliningrad region and the rest of the Russian Federation, to be openly hostile.’
Loyalist senator Andrey Klimov warned it was ‘direct aggression against Russia, literally forcing us to immediately resort to proper self-defence’.
The head of the parliamentary sovereignty protection commission, he vowed that Russia would solve the blockade ‘in ANY way we choose’.
Any direct Russian attack on alliance member state Lithuania would be seen as an act of war against NATO and could spark a world war.
Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said his country was simply implementing sanctions imposed by the EU.
He said the measures implemented were taken after ‘consultation with the European Commission and under its guidelines.’
‘Sanctioned goods (will) no longer be allowed to transit Lithuanian territory,’ Landsbergis added.
The foreign ministry emphasised it has not imposed ‘unilateral, individual or additional’ restrictions.
But Russia disagrees, with Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov saying: ‘This decision is really unprecedented. It’s a violation of everything.’ (read more)

The western motive to provoke a war between NATO and Russia is transparent. In addition to the geopolitical ideology of the West against the country of Russia, the economic situation created by the Western alliance is tenuous.
Inflation is raging in all of the countries who followed the instructions of the World Economic Forum and the massive spending demanded within the pandemic response. The economies of the EU and the United States are now reflecting the results of those multinational corporation instructions known more colloquially as the Build Back Better agenda.
The Ukraine conflict is now being used as a cover story, an arbitrary justification, as politicians in Western government claim the Russian intervention into Eastern Ukraine is the source of the global economic problem. This is a false claim; however, it is being emphasized in a way that indicates fear on the part of the WEF member nation group, to the consequences of the economic damage now surfacing.
Traditionally, only two economic issues have ever been successful in stopping a large global recession: (1) war, and/or (2) housing starts. The approaches of the central banks, including the U.S. Federal reserve, have precluded housing starts from having any value to stop the global recession. That leaves ‘WAR’.
This is a very dangerous time as the Western alliance, driven by NATO following a predictable plan, is now positioning for an intentional war with Russia.
Strategically, Kaliningrad is to Russia as Alaska is to the United States. How would the United States respond if Canada blocked access to Alaska?
We are closer to a direct NATO conflict with Russia than ever before, and we are in this moment because Western government want that conflict.
The U.S. State Department, not the Pentagon, is leading us and the Western alliance into this war…. These are very dangerous moves.

(Reuters) – […] “If cargo transit between the Kaliningrad region and the rest of the Russian Federation via Lithuania is not fully restored in the near future, then Russia reserves the right to take actions to protect its national interests,” it said.
Kaliningrad, formerly the port of Koenigsberg, capital of East Prussia, was captured from Nazi Germany by the Red Army in April 1945 and ceded to the Soviet Union after World War Two. It is sandwiched between NATO members Poland and Lithuania. (read more)