Assisted death. It’s everywhere just now. Legislation is being promoted in the UK. It’s becoming sanctioned by law in Canada, and it’s already law in several European countries and Switzerland. And the arguments for and against allowing euthanasia are as strong and as flawed as ever they were. I was for example particularly struck by […]
Mr Global
Australia, Germany and US are Building Concentration Camps, as the Poisoning of Millions Becomes Clearer and Clearer.
The reality of the great global evil is stark.
The Great Shift
Whether you think, as I do, that mankind is reaching a moment of irreversible shift, or whether you are simply living your life as best you can without concerning yourself with such things, there is something that I consider all decent and honourable human beings can do. And that is to understand that their own […]
More Incrimination of the Vaxxers
As we hear that a 13 year old boy is blind 10 days after the Pfizer injectate, some more catastrophic UK metrics. This is mass homicide and GBH. No question whatever, Mr Global and his actors must be stopped and dealt with.
Ask Yourself This: Defiance or Slavery?
Since the beginning of the implementation of the virus outrage it has become by degrees more and more obvious that not only is this a global fraud as great as any evil perpetrated at any time, but one that has been gestated and carefully prepared for a long time. I have endeavoured to set […]
Mandated Belief – Climate Emergency is the Twin of the Virus Fraud The world is under threat from Mr Global, the loose convergent interests of psychopaths that have been skulking for decades in the sewers of the world’s body politic and finally been forced into the open by their own over-reach. The engagement by these creatures of the name of science has defiled the meaning of […]