The co-authors of this paper published today on are a PhD epidemiologist trained at a Russell Group University and a retired former Professor of Forensic Science and Biological Anthropology. It’s illustrative of the climate of intimidation created by the government and media that this is published anonymously. It remains nevertheless a powerful indictment. Readers […]
PCR test
The Real Story
The Resources page here on Blue Tara covers the points made in this piece, and more Science, eh? We are now in the position to know, without the help of SAGE or anyone else, that there has been no pandemic, simply by looking at the ONS metrics. We are also in the position to know […]
Why are People dying if this is all a Fraud?
??? Since the beginning of this attack on global societies, there has been evidence piling up. No one has proved “the Virus” exists.But on hearing this people ask, “So why are people dying? My aunt/cousin/friend had it very badly and my wife’s uncle died of it.”The much obfuscated but simple points to accept and understand […]