I have been banging on for some time, with others, about the fact that the 2020 deaths from all causes figures from the ONS show that we have certainly not had anything that could possibly have justified the atrocious arrogation of power by the Johnson administration. I was struck by this table which was posted on Facebook today. which includes the metrics for other years. I note that 2020 is shown as 605,000 ,where the ONS figure I saw in early January was 589,000, but I don’t suppose Dr Fauci would complain about the difference! Whatever the figure it is certain the 2020 would be even lower in this table had tens of thousands not been killed by the withdrawal of NHS services by the government from non-flu patients in the face of the clearest advice from the DoH as to the likely outcome in their report of 8th April 2020.
The Propaganda shills have, rather frantically, tried to suggest that the low figure is down to the government’s wisdom! But they forget that even the government did not suggest that mortality would be reduced by lockdown, and the month-to-month figures confirm the truth. that this has been part of a vast crime there can be no real doubt for the objective observer, I believe.