Access to the full documentation of the criminal case in Swtzerland against SwissMedic.
The evidence report is an integral part of the criminal complaint of July 14, 2022.
It is used to prove those facts that have a certain scientific complexity and are legally relevant for the criminal assessment.

An astonishing list of links to document the Globalist Crimes against Humanity.

Really impressive stats research that shows amng other things that the Italian alarm screeching at the outset of the Outrage was nothing to do with flu (covid..) Excellent substack site.

WEF DAVOS 2022 List of Attendees


Enormously impressive information source.

This piece by Spartacus is lengthy but has much key material showing the criminality of the Covid Outrage:

Released 8th Jan 22

A superb resource.

Johnson’s effort to control the Courts and break Separation of Powers.

Here, in two parts, is the record of Senator Ron Johnson’s round table conference on 2nd November. Speakers appear in the following order:
The experts who appear (in this order) are:
· Brianne Dressen, AstraZeneca clinical trial participant from Utah and co-founder of react19.org, a patient advocacy organisation dedicated to increasing awareness of adverse events
· Dr Linda Wastila, Professor and Parke-Davis Chair in Geriatric Pharmacotherapy, University of Maryland
· Lieutenant-Colonel Theresa Long, MD, Army Flight Surgeon
· Professor Robert Kaplan, Stanford School of Medicine Clinical Excellence Research Center
· Dr Peter Doshi, Associate Professor of pharmaceutical health services research at the University of Maryland and BMJ senior editor
· Dr David Healy, Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at McMaster University in Ontario
· Dr Linda Wastila (2nd set of remarks)
· Dr John Patrick Whelan, Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Rheumatology at University of California, Los Angeles
· Dr Aditi Bhargava, Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at University of California, San Francisco
· Dr Retsef Levi, J Spencer Standish Professor of Operations Management at MIT
· Dr David Healy (2nd set of remarks)
· Dr Peter Doshi (2nd set of remarks)
· Aaron Siri, attorney, managing partner of Siri & Glimstad LLP
· Kim Witczak, international drug safety advocate and speaker
· Dr Iona Heath, past president, UK Royal College of General Practitioners

Really excellent and stimulating reflections

Thinking Slow’s dissection of the sad ONS corruption


This is a very remarkable analysis by an Akido master of what is happening. It’s 90 mins which will not be a waste of your time…
The video was taken down from Youtube. This is another by the same man which is, to coin a phrase “far out”, but has a disturbing sense of truthfulness. To see what I mean you will need to invest 90 minutes, but I think you will remember it!!

Professor Norman Fenton, world expert in Risk Information Management, unpacking the Government’s own data to show – among much else – that the effectiveness of the jabs is not born out by results and also that at least 10,000,000 unvaccinated people are absent from the data, making the unvaccinated section of the population much larger than stated. Despite the exclusive use of the official data the professor is now being attacked by the usual creeps who are trying to get him fired from his university job.
This is a complex subject but well repays attention.
“We use data to look at the effectiveness and safety of vaccines by looking at the critical metric of all cause mortality, We look at COVID incidence in the vaccinated versus unvaccinated and draw some significant conclusions. Professor Fenton is a leading expert in using Bayesian analysis to deal with uncertainty and brings his knowledge to this critical topic”

Interesting piece from the Expose. The Expose gets heavily attacked by the ghouls of “fact checking”, and the material is well researched, contrary to their screeching lies.

Interesting account of Fauci’s mishandling of the truth about the origins of his so-called virus.

A disturbing report from Great Game India (greatgameindia.com) on the efforts to weaponise viruses, with particular concern that racial types could be specifically targetted by DNA characteristics. That website’s articles can not currently be embedded, so visit it direct or read here:
David Asher, a top investigator who led the US State Department’s investigation into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, an investigation that the Biden administration shut down, said that what China wrote in its declaration to the United Nations “essentially laid out a road map of developments in biotechnology pertinent to the biological weapons convention that the Chinese indicated as particularly salient.”
“It wasn’t clear from their declaration whether this was for potential offensive use of synthetic biology and other techniques … but it certainly appears to lay out what they felt were going to be the drivers of a more potent offense in the future decade related to biotechnology,” reported The Australian quoting Asher..
“This is probably the most disturbing thing to note that there could be a type of population-targeting or ethnic targeting using biology, according to the Chinese.
That doesn’t mean they did it in the case of Covid-19 or anything else but it definitely implied that they were fully aware that this is feasible and possible.”
When asked by Australian investigative reporter Sharri Markson about how to interpret what China wrote, Asher said, “They lay out the cookbook and they say ‘What’s the impact of the cookbook?’”
“They say (it’s the) increased threat of biological weapons using advanced technology,” he said. “They talk about increased difficulty complying with the convention.”
China made the statements in a submission several years ago to the Seventh Review Conference of the State Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, and Stockpiling of Biological and Toxin Weapons.
The submission warned that “new kinds of biotechnology” could be used “for hostile purposes, posing a latent threat to human society,” and that the threat was “growing.” The submission said that the new technologies were making it harder to maintain “full and strict compliance with the Biological Weapons Convention.”
The following are some excerpts from China’s submission:
- “Advances in synthetic biology are turning the synthesis and transformation of life into reality and mean that the basic regulation of biological research, the preparation of new drugs and the promotion of new sources of energy are groundbreaking endeavours, but they also have the potential to be used for evil ends.
- Theoretically speaking, synthetic biotechnology poses a huge latent threat to mankind, as it could be used in the future to create pathogens of even greater toxicity and infectiousness than those currently known, and which are resistant to traditional vaccines and drugs as well as hard to isolate and identify with present day technology.”
- “The sequencing of pathogen DNA has opened the way to the development of new diagnostic methods, drugs and vaccines. But the same data can also be used to synthesize new pathogens and modify pathogen antigenicity, infection specificity, toxicity and resistance to drugs, causing traditional means of dealing with infectious disease to fail and rendering the prevention and control of such disease even harder.”
- “Thorough study of systems biology in the body can systematically analyze differences in genes and susceptibility to disease in the population and lay the theoretical foundations for an across the board improvement in levels of human health, but it can also create the potential for biological weapons based on genetic differences between races.
- Once hostile elements grasp that different ethnic groups harbor intrinsically different genetic susceptibilities to particular pathogens, they can put that knowledge into practice and create genetic weapons targeted at a racial group with a particular susceptibility.”
- “The rapid development of biological sciences and technologies may significantly increase the destructiveness of biological weapons. One way it may do so is by increasing the virulence of pathogenic micro-organisms. Microbial genomic research can enhance the virulence or pathogenicity of a pathogen by modifying its antigenic properties.
- Another way is by rendering traditional medicines and vaccines ineffective. Supergenes conferring resistance to antibiotics can be synthesized by DNA recombination technology, making pathogens highly drug-resistant. Pathogens with detoxifying genes can also be produced, as can pathogens that can evade recognition and attack by the immune system, rendering vaccines and medicines useless.
- A third way is by making the target population more susceptible to pathogenic microbes. RNA interference can inactivate specific genes in the body, inhibit expression of important bodily proteins, disrupt physiological function and heighten the effects of a bioweapon attack.
- And a fourth way is by making biological attacks more stealthy. Foreign genes or viruses can be introduced into the target population asymptomatically by means of gene-therapy vectors, enabling a biological weapon attack to be mounted covertly.”
- “Developments in biotechnology have created many new problems and challenges for biological arms control and treaty monitoring, making it harder to monitor compliance with the Convention in the biological sphere. One way this occurs is through the synthesis of new agents of biological warfare.
- Theoretically speaking, synthetic biology can create microbes possessing any special attributes people may wish – new varieties of virus and bacteria more virulent, more infectious and more drug resistant than any known to mankind today.
- Gene sequencing is getting steadily faster and the costs are coming down; industrial applications of sequencing technology are already appearing and can be used to synthesize new pathogens. Another way is through making it easier to create biological weapons.
- Modern genetic technology can be used to bring about genetic modifications in traditional agents of biological warfare, making their production more efficient and increasing their stability.
- A third way is through the gestation of a new generation of biological weapons. Research into genetic differences and susceptibility to pathogens among different populations and species can lead to the creation of racial bioweapons based on genetic differences between races.”
- “The science and technology of synthetic biology are spreading rapidly and synthetic DNA technology has already become a basic tool of biological research; the related reagents and equipment are becoming ever easier to obtain.
- Accidental mistakes in biotech laboratories can place mankind in great danger. Synthetic biology in some civilian biotechnology research and applications may unintentionally give rise to new, highly hazardous man-made pathogens with unforeseeable consequences.”
As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, China’s national strategy of military-civil fusion has highlighted biology as a priority, and the People’s Liberation Army could be at the forefront of expanding and exploiting this knowledge.
In 2016, the potential strategic value of genetic information led the Chinese government to launch the National Genebank, which intends to become the world’s largest repository of such data. It aims to “develop and utilize China’s valuable genetic resources, safeguard national security in bioinformatics, and enhance China’s capability to seize the strategic commanding heights” in the domain of Biotechnology Warfare.
Chinese military’s interest in biology as an emerging domain of warfare is guided by strategists who talk about potential “genetic weapons” and the possibility of a “bloodless victory.”

Great Game India.
This well constructed website by Indian Scholars against the Deep State is frequently difficult to access with links to its articles.
The latest remarkable and credibly referenced revelation: Please go to the website www.greatgameindia.com and review the Story: “How Google & USAID Funded COVID Bioweapon Experiments By Peter Daszak At Wuhan Lab“

The first of three really excellent articles on this horrible person and his corrupt effect on of our world.

This is what the vaccines are really doing.

Jaw-dropping insight into Bill Gates before “the Philanthropist” produced by the anti-trust settlement.


SAGE – Conflicts of Interest – published by Dr Zoe Harcombe PhD on 9th Nov 2020. This is a powerfully researched piece showing the enormous extent of conflicted interests and inappropriate appointments of SAGE

Dr. Andrew Wakefield: It is not a Vaccine. It Is Irreversible Genetic Modification

The Science of mRNA Vaccines – by Dr Tom Cowan

This is one worth remembering.

This story regarding the sterilsation of Kenyan women by the inclusion of a sterilising agent HCG in a Gates vaccine has resonances for those interested in the ingredients of the CV19 jabs being peddled. The inclusion of HCG in some of these has already been alleged, though confirmation is awaited.


US Patent Office registration of one of Gates’s organisation patents for use in connecting the human frame to cryptotcurrency and other fun.

would-be empire

Well-put together exposee of the Filthy Facebook Facts!

The Danish Mask Study This long-awaited study shows what Boris Johnson, Hancock and Whitty all stated themselves at the outset of this outrage, that masks are ineffective in preventing the spread of respiratory infections. Now, of course we are treated to the spectacle of the media trying to suppress this piece of research, the result of which any sensible person already knew.

A paper by Roger Hodgkinson This article was originally written for the University of Regina School of Public Policy on April 20th. The author was told it would be published if he toned it down. He refused. It has been published now by Lockdown Sceptics. www.lockdownsceptics.org

Dr Mike Yeadon, ex Pfizer VP, explains the nonsense of SAGE and the virus outrage.

Off-Guardian.org is doing its best to make up for the dismal state of media corruption of the On-Guardian!

Dr Stella Immanuel has been successfully treating her patients with Hydroxychloroquine – a drug that has been used for decades successfully and with nugatory side-effects. The vaccine industry has tried to delete that lady, but she is not having it. Facebook and Youtube banned this video, and I would suggest that it is essential viewing for anyone who wants to hear some truth for a change.

An astonishing litany of the corruption in and around the Cabinet Office cess pool. For “Cui bono?” look no further!

This was a DOH report to the Government of 8th April 2020 forecasting the likely fatalities to arise from closure of the NHS to ordinary patients. Ministers went ahead anyway.

Important speech outlining the backgound of wholesale criminality of the US public health system by promoters of vaccines

Extract of US Public Health Act outlining immunity from liability for manufacturers of vaccines. This was enacted in 1989.

Article based on a speech by Heather Macdonald in June 18, 2020, for a Hillsdale College online symposium,

Sec 1038 of the US Code that provides the penalties for hoaxes that cause damage, to which Mr Gates and others should already be answering.

Manual of the CDC on the PCR test from March 2020 which included the highlighted section and which blows the lid off the test as accurate diagnostic:

Removed by Google.

This is the article by Tom Cowan that grubby people in the vaccine lobby say should get the writer into prison. What do you think?

Gates Foundation “Grant” to the Daily Telegraph. One of $billions of such grants made by the Foudation over the last fifteen years to world-wide media outlets. The absence of public awareness of these payments and the difficulty of suggesting that they are not given to purchase influence make it hard to avoid the obvious conclusion that would be drawn by any objective observer,

This is a 2011 article in the Seattle Times – The Gates Foundation wholesale purchase of media influence has been going on for a long time.


This is a copy of the latest MS biometrics patent for connecting peoples bodies to cryptocurrency systems

Remarkable report.
“Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR.” [Euro Surveill. 2020 Jan;25(3):2000045. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.3.2000045.]
“We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available.”, and:
“Here we present a validated diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV, its design relying on close genetic relatedness of 2019-nCoV with SARS coronavirus, making use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.”
Not a CV19 virus in sight. Nor has there been since.