Elisabeth R – The Last Constitutional Monarch

It is right that the world is mourning our queen. In a turbulent world she was for seven decades an unchanging example of human values, values that are now as under threat as never before. We have no way of knowing what she really thought about the Virus Outrage and the aspirations of globalism. And the globalist parasites of course, having absorbed a number of other royal families, – the Dutch monarchy being an egregious example – would love to adopt her as a totem for unelected power and influence.

But she was never that. The people, her subjects, were always the objects of her profound sense of duty, a duty that never wavered. Our unwritten constitution was underwiitten for many decades by this devotion. The events of the last 30 months have trampled it to point where what it means to be British is in serious question at multiple levels.

We have been fortunate with our queen. May she rest in peace.