Hiding in Plain Sight!

Klaus Schwab putting the agenda out there in 2016. The promoter of “transhumanism” posing, like his friend Mr Gates, as a benefactor of us all. It has all been discernible for some time, but as most of us are just human and not psychopaths it’s taken a while for it to sink in!

I’m indebted to Andrew Cullen for sending this over as part of an article by Peter Koenig of Global Research: (https://www.dropbox.com/s/1lsh8fb827z5dke/Digital%20Tyranny%20and%20the%20Rockefeller-Gates%20WHO%20%26%238220%3BVaxx-Certificate%20Passport%26%238221%3B_%20Towards%20a%20World%20War%20III%20Scenario_2021%2009%2013.pdf?dl=0)

Link to the video below:


Blue Tara by Joss Wynne Evans