This morning the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption announced that it would be extending its investigation into Daryl Maguire, a disgraced NSW MP, to include Berejiklian herself, including whether she “engaged in conduct that”:
• Constituted or involved a breach of public trust by exercising public functions in circumstances where she was in a position of conflict between her public duties and her private interest as a person who was in a personal relationship with the then NSW member of Parliament, Mr Daryl Maguire, in connection with: grant funding promised and/or awarded to the Australian Clay Target Association Inc in 2016/2017; and grant funding promised and/or awarded to the Riverina Conservatorium of Music in Wagga Wagga in 2018; and/or
• Constituted or involved the partial exercise of any of her official functions, in connection with: grant funding promised and/or awarded to the Australian Clay Target Association Inc in 2016/2017; grant funding from vaccine makers promised and/or awarded to the Riverina Conservatorium of Music in Wagga Wagga in 2018; and/or
• Constituted or involved the dishonest or partial exercise of any of her official functions and/or a breach of public trust by refusing to exercise her duty pursuant to section 11 of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 to report any matter that she suspected on reasonable grounds concerned or may concern corrupt conduct in relation to the conduct of Mr Daryl Maguire; and/or
• Was liable to allow or encourage the occurrence of corrupt conduct by Mr Maguire.
The investigation into Berejiklian relates to matters raised in the media in relation to the administration of grant programs that may have favoured Maguire, with whom Berejiklian was then in a relationship.
Meantime the woman’s administration is tear-gassing and beating up citizens and threatening to imprisomn people who won’t take those lucrative but toxic jabs….