The pity of it is that it is not surprising…
Covid Fraud
The New Axis
Those who would like us all to believe that conspiracy theorists and chaps in foil hats are the enemies of the people are playing the oldest propaganda game. The enemies of the people are actually the ones who share a dismal characteristic with Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and the procession of evil down the ages […]
Metrics Update – It’s Official!
ONS Figures for deaths from all causes: 2020: 589,840 2019: 530,841 2018: 541,598 AND NOW government have confirmed that over 100,000 people have died from non-virus causes as a result of the actions of the government in the NHS and care homes. So it’s official! Had it not been for this government with their hangers-on […]
Why are People dying if this is all a Fraud?
??? Since the beginning of this attack on global societies, there has been evidence piling up. No one has proved “the Virus” exists.But on hearing this people ask, “So why are people dying? My aunt/cousin/friend had it very badly and my wife’s uncle died of it.”The much obfuscated but simple points to accept and understand […]