The Conspiracy Theory Handbook

Lockdown Sceptics ( today publishes a letter, from of all people, Ian Ferguson, the Imperial college genius of numerology, to a correspondent who reads the column that inveighs against conspiracy theorists and recommends his correspondent to look at a Conspiracy Theory Handbook, purveyed by a Climate Change PR organisation: I recommend a glance at […]

The Statistics give the Lie to the New Axis and to Mr Johnson our branch manager.

A superb survey of the now-crystallising stats on the progress of the Virus Fraud is given in an article today by Peter Lloyd in Conservative Woman or read it here: ‘THE Sars-CoV-2 infection and Covid-19 disease data are in for 2020, and they are disastrous for governments, policymakers and pseudo-scientific modellers across the world […]

The Independent – Blatant Censorship of comments by the British Press.

It is interesting that it is the more traditionally left-leaning organs that are showing the least tolerance of dissent in their comment columns. The Guardian, of course, is now controlled by Bill Gates with his cash (though it still pleads poverty to its readers in the most emetic fashion), so it’s not surprising that comments […]