This well-qualified study concludes that systematic miscategorisation of deaths between the different groups of unvaccinated and vaccinated is likely, involving: Delayed or non-reporting of vaccinations. Systematic underestimation of the proportion of unvaccinated. Incorrect population selection for Covid deaths. This Abstract may be found at this link. See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication […]
Government manslaughter
The shells are dropping close to home.
The mother of a friend of mine, a powerfully energetic lady in her seventies of a hitherto robust constitution, has has a heart attack within 24 hours of receiving an injectate promoted as a vaccine by the government and their pharma friends. She is now said to be recovering, though significantly rocked physically by the […]
As we find that no more people died in 2020 than in 2019…..if you deduct all the Alans….*
* more than 70,000 are estimated to have dies as a result of the closure of the NHS to ordinary patients. The report from the DOH of 8th April last predicted perhaps up to 170,000 deaths over 6 months but the government went ahead anyway. Which of these two men did Covid kill? I’m indebted […]