Anthony Webber in today’s www.conservativewoman.co.uk has this on-the-button analysis of the Propaganda machinations behind the peddling of injectates in our land
Anyone who has studied the history of vaccination programmes will know there have been some startling successes, but also some dismal failures.
In its haste to find a way out of a Covid-19 crisis, the Government has latched on to the vaccine concept as the cure-all. Only Israel, of other countries, has fixated more on this one-solution policy.
Last week’s Budget focused attention on the catastrophic ongoing cost of lockdown, the £9.6trillion full extent of which the Taxpayers’ Alliance revealed.
Though indefinite lockdown was never economically tenable the Government has seemed reluctant to admit it – which is where vaccines appear to come in.
Vaccination has provided a ‘get out of jail’ face-saver to preserve political reputations and to convince the public who bought into the Government’s fear-driven propaganda that the lockdown policy was right and always necessary; whatever the inherent merit of vaccines.
What is worse? To admit making a mistake with an unnecessary lockdown policy, or to carry on bluffing and dig yourself in deeper?
In May 2020, the Norwegian Prime Minister Enru Solberg apologised to the public about the strict lockdown restrictions she had imposed earlier in the year. She admitted that she made decisions out of panic.
In Britain, however, the Government seems to believe it has been so successful in bluffing it out so far that it might as well continue.
Yet ministers’ promised vaccine solution to Lockdown is already looking less certain. Despite the rapid rollout success, questions remain about their efficacy and durability.
What if these vaccines prove to be no more the solution to Covid-19 than the swine flu ones were in 2009-2010 involving a terrible waste of money and national effort that might have been better directed elsewhere, such as treatment?
In 2009-2010, of the 44million swine flu vaccine doses ordered by the Government, only six million were used, leaving 34million unused after four million were sent to other countries. Today, swine flu or H1N1 is considered a seasonal flu virus and is included in the annual flu vaccine.
Then, as now, the vaccine was rushed out with little testing and given emergency authorisation for use. Then, as now, everyone, including NHS staff, was told that it was completely safe, although there was no possibility of their being certain because vaccines need not just short-term, but medium and long-term risk assessment.
As it turned out, 60 of the six million in the UK who were vaccinated against swine flu suffered permanent damage and a total of £60million was agreed in compensation.
In 2021, the spotlight has already begun to turn on adverse reactions and deaths both in Europe and in the UK.
This time round however, the Government has broadly inoculated the manufacturers from compensation claims by the public and has added Covid-19 to its vaccine damage repayments scheme, which is limited to a one-off lump sum of £120,000 which may be claimed only if 60 per cent permanent disability is proved.
Whether this protection was a condition imposed by the vaccine manufacturers, and if so why did the Government and Parliament cave in on this, are questions we need the answers to.
We do not know whether this reflects the vaccine companies’ influence at Westminster, or is simply the result of a government ‘speed at all costs’ vaccine policy.
Whatever the case, the inability to claim compensation for damages from the pharma companies producing the vaccines is bound to undermine public confidence in their efficacy.
At present it is virtually impossible to have an open and honest debate on these lines about the vaccines policy. The Government and its various arms have taken active measures – through media influence, intelligence services, PR contracts, huge expenditure on advertising – to suppress ‘misinformation’.
Extraordinary though it may sound, British spies are on a cyber-mission to disrupt the spread of anti-vaccine disinformation online by hostile states and terrorist groups. The Chief of the Defence Staff, General Sir Nick Carter, has revealed that the Army’s 77 Brigade communications unit (which specialises in psychological warfare, including using social media) is also involved in countering ‘misinformation’ online relating to coronavirus.
A government which publicly cracks down on ‘misinformation’ about the coronavirus pandemic puts anyone who questions it and these emergency vaccines in the wrong. So much for freedom of debate and dissent.
According to the BBC, a Rapid Response Unit within the Cabinet Office is already working with social media firms to remove fake news and harmful content and is reported to be dealing with as many as ten incidents each day.
Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden has said action is needed ‘to stem the spread of falsehoods and rumours, which could cost lives’.
In his novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell warned of a future Ministry of Truth. The Government’s current versions – which include the Department of Culture, Media and Sport’s ‘counter-disinformation’ unit, set up last April 2020 ‘to identify disinformation about virus and establish its scope’ would seem to be just that.
This latter has wide responsibilities and works with the Cabinet Office and Number 10’s Rapid Response Unit. In the Government’s own words: ‘Specialist units across government are working at pace to combat false and misleading narratives about coronavirus, ensuring the public has the right information to protect themselves and save lives.’
Such fear of misinformation on the Covid-19 vaccines is perplexing. Is it any wonder that the influence of Bill Gates and the big pharmaceutical companies on government policies is coming under increasing scrutiny on social media when the Government is on the offensive like this?
It begs questions about why this level of control, and indeed censorship, of messaging is so necessary? What are we to make of the accompanying writing-off of lockdown and vaccine sceptics as fear-mongering by conspiracy theorists and a government which shows little guilt about the immorality of suppressing free debate?
All of which seems somewhat ironic given it was by the creation of fear of the Covid-19 virus that the Government itself achieved acceptance of lockdowns.
Having established these media mind-control mechanisms, how do you dismantle them? The understandable concern is that subject to the forces of self-perpetuation and expansion, they become a part of government control of our lives which is going to be with us permanently.
This is the risk unless we demand – indeed, force – an open and fair debate about the Government’s Covid vaccine policy.